X® Lignite Powder Uses in Oil Drilling

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X-humate brand Sodium Humate, Humic acid sodium salt,  organic chemical prdouct for Oil Drilling Field, or called lignite powder,

The product is extracted form of Natural Lignite.


Organic Matter60%min
Humic acid(dry basis)50%min
Particle size80-120mesh



Humic matter is formed through the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms.

Leonardite is organic matter, which has not reached the state of coal and differs from soft brown coal by its high oxidation degree, a result of the process of coal formation (bog>peat>coal), and high humic acids content as well as higher carboxyl groups.


Application Natural Lignite Powder Uses in Oil Drilling Field:


Sodium humate is mainly used as a viscosity reducer for water-based drilling fluids, and it also has a certain filtration effect. Generally, adding 2~3% of sodium humate to the drilling fluid can reduce the viscosity and shear force to the general standard. Oilfields use modified and compounded humic acid products (such as humic acid + synthetic resin, humic acid complexed with high-priced metals, etc.), and the effect is very good. There are some innovative lignite powder humic acid resin brands at home and abroad, which are resistant to high temperature. \Anti-salt leaching\anti-collapse and other aspects have reached a high level.

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place.

Packing Natural Lignite Powder Uses in Oil Drilling Field:

In 1kg, 20KG/25KG/50KG, 1000KG BAG, shipment by FCL or by bulk vessel.

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