X® Fulvic Acid Fertilizer, X® Fulvics & Humics

X® Fulvic Acid Fertilizer, X® Fulvics & Humics

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X® Fulvic Acid Fertilizer,  X® Fulvics & Humics


X® Fulvic and Humics series products- Fulvic Acid Fertilizer is natural, water-soluble polymers, yellow to black in color. it’s lower molecular weight than humic acid or humin fractions and have a higher proportion of oxygen-containing functional group as hydroxyl,carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl, excellent performance on deflocculation.

X® Fulvics & Humics is OMRI listed product, content high organic matters, with excellent solubility and compatibility with various types of fertilizer nutrients. It works well as organic chelator and natural plant growth stimulant.




X® Leonardite  Fulvic acid Fertilizer

Product CodeF70F55F50F30
Fulvic Acid, dry base70%55%50%30%
Humic Acid, dry base25%50%45%50%
Potassium, K2O dry base12-15%*12-15%*12-15%*12-15%*
PH Value8-118-118-118-11
AppearanceBlack Color

Ultra fine Powder:100-325 mesh

Crystal: 0-3mm


Flake: 1-3mm,

big Flakes 1-5mm

* can adjust according to actual order requirement.

** dry crystal powder/Crystal/Granular: moisture 5%;Normal material 15%.


Bio Fulvic acid Fertilizer

Product CodeF100PF80PF80TEF50PF50P +CAF50G
Fulvic Acid,

dry base

Potassium, K2O dry base10%10%
PH Value5-65-65-65-65-65-6
AppearanceBrown PowderBrown Crystal




How X® Fulvics & Humics, Fulvic acid Fertilizer benefits?

Fulvic acid Fertilizer can provides a food source for soil micro-organisms;

Fulvic Acid Fetilizer can adjust pH buffering capacity;

Enhances photosynthesis and respiration;

Fulvic acid Fertilizer can increases cationic exchange;

Improve transport of nutrients, making them available in the areas of need;

Increase in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, which will facilitate the action of enzymes formed with some amino acids and micro-nutrients.

Fulvic Acid fertilizer  can contributes to an increased exploitation of water by the plant.

Positive effect on plant DNA and RNA.

Increases enzyme activity.

Acts as catalyst in plant respiration/organic.

Increases drought tolerance and prevents wilting.

Detoxifies various pollutants.

Stimulates root development and increase plant growth

Increases plant membrane permeability during Autumn and Winter.


X®  Fulvic acid Fertilizer can be used as  a multi-functional compound fertilizer. The fertilizer has a significant effect on crops such as wheat, tomato, cucumber, corn, cabbage and potato. Also used as foliar fertilizer, and spray fertilizer,top dressing, seed fertilizer, or soil conditioners.


Direction For Use

X® Leonardite Fulvic acid Fertilizer

  • Soil Application: 2-5 Kg / Ha / time, or 5% of total blend. i.e. 5 kg ofFulvic acid  Granular/Crystal with every 100 kg of Urea, DAP, MAP etc, but do not exceed 10 kg per ha when banded or 20 kg per ha when broadcast.
  • Foliar Application: 1-2 Kg / Ha / time, the water solution concentration: 0.2-0.5%, 2-3 times during seedling stage and growth stage.

X® Bio  Fulvic acid Fertilizer

  • Foliar applications apply alone 450gram-750gram/HA in 0.5-1% concentration.
  • Soil application  basal fertilizer: apply 4.5kg-7.5kg/ha
  • Root Application apply 4.5kg-7.5kg/ha in 0.1-0.2% concentration.

Packing:1kg/ 5kg/ 10kg/ 20kg/ 25kg/ 500kg/ 650kg bags, for the best Fulvic acid supplement.

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