X® Fulvic Acid FERTI Grade – Role of Fulvic Acid in Plants, X®Leonardite F30-F70

X® Fulvic Acid FERTI Grade – Role of Fulvic Acid in Plants, X®Leonardite F30-F70

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X® Fulvic Acid FERTI Grade –  X®Leonardite F30-F70


X-humate brand Fulvic acids products derived from different sources of leonardite, plants, etc.  Fulvic acid uses in agriculture has short carbon chain small molecular structure substance rich in carboxyl, hydroxyl and other active functional groups, the rold of Fulvic acid in plants is more and more important, it’s provide various solution for organic fertilizers. The new type Black Fulvic Acid is very active component  Humic acid, Fulvic Acid, Nature Plant growth Stimulants matters.


Product CodeF70F55F50F30
Fulvic Acid, dry base70%55%50%30%
Humic Acid, dry base25%50%45%50%
Potassium, K2O dry base12-15%*12-15%*12-15%*12-15%*
PH Value8-118-118-118-11
AppearanceBlack Color

Ultra fine Powder:100-325 mesh

Crystal: 0-3mm


Flake: 1-3mm,

big Flakes 1-5mm

* can adjust according to actual order requirement.

** dry crystal powder/Crystal/Granular: moisture 5%;Normal material 15%.



The role of Fulvic acid in plants


  • Plant growth stimulant, promote root development and stimulate seed germination.
  • Improve the effectiveness of pesticides.
  • Enhance nutrient uptake and keep a well-balanced nutrition.
  • Speed up the photosynthesis.
  • Increase yield and improve quality of plants.
  • Enhance the resilience of crops. such as cold, drought, pest, disease and toppling resistance.



It can be used as  a multi-functional compound fertilizer. The fertilizer has a significant effect on crops such as wheat, tomato, cucumber, corn, cabbage and potato. Also used as foliar fertilizer, and spray fertilizer,top dressing, seed fertilizer, or soil conditioners.

Very role of Fulvic Acid in Plants.


Direction For Use of Fulvic acid in agriculture

Fulvic Humic Minerals

  • Soil Application: 2-5 Kg / Ha / time, or 5% of total blend. i.e. 5 kg ofFulvic acid  Granular/Crystal with every 100 kg of Urea, DAP, MAP etc, but do not exceed 10 kg per ha when banded or 20 kg per ha when broadcast.
  • Foliar Application: 1-2 Kg / Ha / time, the water solution concentration: 0.2-0.5%, 2-3 times during seedling stage and growth stage.



1kg/ 5kg/ 10kg/ 20kg/ 25kg/ 500kg/ 650kg bags.


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