Amino Acid 50 % Powder

  • Description
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X-humate Amino Acid 50% powder is a water-soluble powder compound produced by hydrolysis treatment of natural protein. X-humate Amino acid is readily absorbed, transported, and utilized as a source of nitrogen and carbon for plants, also function as bio-stimulants for plants.



Amino Acid 40%


Light yellow powder

Total Amino acid

50% Min

Free Amino acid

40% Min

Total nitrogen

17% Max

Ammonium Nitrogen

10% Max


5% Max



  • Promote the absorption and transportation of nutritional elements in soil by roots of plant.
  • Adjust and enhance the utilization efficiency of elements.
  • Regulate the synthesis of plants hormones and enhance the physiological activity.
  • Small molecular organic nutrient, decrease the bio-energy consumption of plants.
  • Promote the synthesis of chlorophyll and photosynthetic electron transport, relieve the midday depression of photosynthesis on plants, increase the photosynthetic rate and accumulation of photosynthetic products.
  • Accelerate seedling growth, increase plants yield.
  • support to plant recovery after pesticides treatments when used with the most common fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.
  • Increase the quantity of crop production, improve quality of the fruit and extends products’shelf life.
  • enhance efficiency of fertilizer materials as an ideal Amino support agent. Chelatemetal elements in the soil, improve soil condition.

Recommended Application:

Field Crop

(corn, wheat, rice, etc)

Top dressing: 1 time,

Foliar application: 1-2 times

Total dosage at whole growth stage:

Water flush: 5-6kg/ha

Drip irrigation: 4-5kg/ha

Foliar: 1-2kg/ha,

with 500 times solution.

Economic Crop

(cotton, soybean, etc)

Topdressing: 1 time,

Foliar application: 1-2 times

Total dosage at whole growth stage:

Flush: 5-6kg/ha

Drip irrigation: 5kg/ha

Foliar: 1-2kg/ha,

with 500 times solution.

Fruit Trees

(Traditional melon

+dried fruits)


Topdressing: 3 time,

At stage of sprouting of fruit trees, expansion &

coloration of fruits.

Total dosage at whole growth stage:

Water flush: 6-8kg/ha

Micro spray: 5-6kg


with 500 times solution.

VegetablesTopdressing: 2-6 timesDosage for single application:

Water flush: 1-2kg/ha

Drip irrigation: 1-1.5kg/ha

Foliar: 0.5-1kg/ha,

with 500 times solution.

PasturesTopdressing: 2 timesDosage for single


Water flush: 1-1.5kg/ha

Drip irrigation: 0.5-1kg/ha

Foliar: 0.5-1kg/ha,

with 500 times solution.

CautionThe test should be done before formulating with pesticide and other fertilizers. The above recommended usage dosage should be adjusted according to the actual plant, soil and climate condition.

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