Sodium nitrophenolate 98% TC

Sodium nitrophenolate 98% TC


  • Description
  • Inquiry

Registration of ICAMA: LS 2004 2331

Composed of sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate 98%, sodium ortho-nitrophenolate 98% and sodium para- nitrophenolate 98% as the ratio 1:2:3, Sodium nitrophenolate 98% is a kind of widely used plant growth regulator, and can infiltrate to the body of plant rapidly and offer the activity greatly to cells, to promote the cytoplasm circulation. It has powerful osmosis, so the effect is swift, you can see it in 24 hours in 30℃. Leaves turned green and thick.

Physical and Chemical characters:  Red powder, can dissolve in water easily, and can be mixed with other chemicals to compose many kinds of fertilizer and used on different crops to get different effects.


Usage in agriculture:

It can promote the growth of the crop, induce chemo to root and germinate, raise the absorption to the nutrition, so can make them bloom and fruit in advance, furthermore, it can break the dormant obstacle, and enhance the immunity of the plant, the capacity against adverse circumstances such as drought, flood, and coldness even freeze injury, etc. More important is, it can increase the quality and the quantity that the most favorable result that farmers look forward to.

  • If single use, it can be used in seed-dipper, irrigation, bud-sprinkle and leaf-spraying.
  • If mixed with the fertilizer, it can increase the utilization ratio of the fertilizer greatly. As for more and more crops have the fertilizer-annoyed symptoms, this product can resolve it effectively. Because the main composition of it can combine with the positive ion and negative ion into neutral organics, so the repel strength between the same polarity ions disappered. Then the plant can absorbe more nutrition at the same time.
  • If mixed with the germicide, it can widen the drug range of the germicide, increase the preventable effect of the germicide.
  • If mixed with the insecticide, it can strengthen the capacity of the plant against the damages caused by the pests and reduce the sequels of the damages remarkably.

Use sites:

Has good effect on field crops, such as wheat, rice, cotton, and so on.

Usage in husbandry and fishery:

Mixed with the fodder and it can be absorbed by animals rapidly, then increase the appetite of them and the absorption to the nutrition, enhance their immunity so as to high up the output and the quality of meat, egg and feather, etc.

Use sites: Fishes, Shrimp, Crab, Pigs, Fowl and so on.

Assessing risks to human health:

No adverse effects to humans are expected from use of pesticide products containing these nitrophenolates. First, plants rapidly convert these nitrophenolates to other harmless natural substances. Second, the tiny amouts applied to crops do not affect the exposure of people who eat the treated crops. ( In high concentrations, these nitrophenolates are eye irritants.)

Accessing risks to the environment:

Toxicity tests on various species showed that no harmful effects are expected

from use of these nitrophenolates as plant growth regulators.Used only in tiny amounts, the active ingredients are rapidly converted to harmless other  natural substances.


Purry 98%

Red collor powder


1.8% .2.85% 3.0% AS, 98%TC


To be used on crops, flowers and fruit trees directly:
(1). It can make the root and sprout stronger, transplant sprout revive rapidly, prevent the dead-locked sprout and raise the transplant survival rate.
(2). It can accelerate the young tree to blossom and fruit. It also can adjust the balance of nutrition, accelerate the reproduction growth, to promote the flower bud differentiation.
(3). It can relieve the harm of pesticides and fertilizer, make the plant revive quickly.
(4). It can protect bloom and fruits, improve the fruit color, shape and tasty, increase the quantity, make the product go to market early.
(5). It can increase plant’s immunity, enhance the crops capacity of resistant-disease.
(6). It can increase the fruit-set ratio, reduce the falling fruits and improve the big or small year of fruit tree effectively.
(7). It is a high -efficient, low toxicity low residual and low hazard product for plant.


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